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 AC-262, also known as Accadrin, is a mild SARM, without a doubt. Regarding potency, Ostarine, ACP-105, and Andarine are equivalent to AC 262 536 in terms of both the negative and positive effects. AC 262 is a bit more potent than Ostarine. It works similarly to other SARMs by targeting specific androgen receptors in the human body. This aids in bone density improvement, muscle growth, and fat loss without causing severe side effects

. Here are some key points about AC-262:

  • Muscle Gain and Fat Loss: AC-262 is used to promote muscle gain and fat loss. It specifically binds to androgen receptors, leading to anabolic processes that increase muscle mass and bone strength12.

  • Selective Action: Unlike other androgens or anabolic steroids, AC-262 is highly selective for androgen receptors (AR). It doesn’t significantly affect other human nuclear receptors, including estrogen, glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and progesterone receptors1.

  • Testosterone Levels: AC-262 acts as a partial agonist, leaving testosterone levels unsuppressed. This makes it appealing to health-conscious bodybuilders who want steroid-like results with fewer side effects

AC-262 10mg


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