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 Plant sterols, also known as phytosterols, are natural compounds found in plants that offer several health benefits. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Low Blood Cholesterol: Plant sterols can help reduce cholesterol levels, which is crucial for cardiovascular health. They have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol and may decrease cholesterol absorption in the intestine, leading to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels12.

  • Reduced Risk of Heart Disease: Consuming foods rich in plant sterols can lower the chances of heart attacks and strokes. They work by enhancing the liver’s uptake of LDL cholesterol, further reducing blood cholesterol levels1.

  • Potential Cancer Prevention: Some studies suggest that plant sterols may reduce the risk of certain cancers, including stomach, colon, and rectal cancers3.

  • Immune System Support: Plant sterols have been linked to immune function, contributing to overall health4.

  • Safe with Cholesterol Medication: Sterol-enriched foods are safe to consume alongside cholesterol-lowering medications like statins. However, it’s essential to consult your doctor before starting any new supplements or dietary changes.

Plant Sterols 500mg x 90 capsules


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