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Epithalon.(aka Epitalon, Epitalion or Epithalone) is the synthetic version of the polypeptide Epithalamin which is naturally produced in humans. This pineal peptide preparation is secreted in the epithlamium-epiphyseal region of the brain. Its more prominent tasks are: to regulate metabolism in the epiphysis, increase the sensitivity of hypothalamus to its natural hormonal influences, normalize the function of the anterior pituitary, regulate the levels of gonadotropins and melatonin in the body.

Epithalamin increases a person's resistance to emotional stress and also acts as an antioxidant. This makes the substance fairly unknown in the west due to the absence of marketing usually seen with big pharma products. In Russia it is currently in clinical studies and shows prospective results as treatment for liver disorders, neuropathology, psychiatry and geriatrics. Human life extension via Telomerase activation & elongation of Telomeres Epitalon is one of the very few substances which are able to activate Telomerase (telomere terminal transferase) enzyme in humans. Telomerase renews (elongates) the telomeres, which are responsible for protection of the human DNA from damage and cancer causing errors.

Treatment of aging cells in culture with Epithalon induced elongation of telomeres to the size comparable to their length during the early cell divisions. Epitalon treated cells with elongated telomeres made 10 extra divisions (44 passages) in comparison with the control and continued dividing. Thus, Epithalon prolonged the vital cycle of normal human cells due to overcoming the Heyflick cell division limit. • Telomerase activation (consequently, elongation of Telomeres)

• regulates neuroendocrinous system

• increases the hypothalamic sensitivity to the endogenous hormonal effects

• decrease or suppression of proliferative changes in vaginal       epithelium and endometrium in anovulatory phase

• normalization of gonadotropic hormones levels (FSG, LG, prolactin) • positive influence on peripheral haemodynamics: improvement of  blood rheology, decrease of intravessel thrombogenesis

• regulation of the levels of reactants in the acute inflammation  phase  (c3-component of the complement, pre-albumin, C-reactive protein, alpha-orosomucoids).

• normalization of T-cell immunity

• normalization of aqua-electrolyte balance indices

• normalization of uric acid levels

• normalization of Cholesterol (due to anti-inflammatory effects).

•  immune system rejuvenation

• inhibition of spontaneous and induced carcinogenesis (tumor prevention).

Epitalon 10mg


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