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AOD9604 (HGH Frag)

AOD9604 is a peptide fragment (hGH Fragment 176-191) of the C-terminus of Human Growth Hormone to which a tyrosine is added at the N-terminal end.

Studies have suggested that AOD9604 is more effective than its predecessor AOD9401 in its ability to stimulate lipolytic (fat burning) and anti-lipogenic activity.


 Like Growth Hormone, AOD9604 stimulates lipolysis (the breakdown or destruction of fat) and inhibits lipogenesis (prevents the transformation of fatty food materials into body fat) both in laboratory testing and in animals and humans.

Recent clinical research studies have shown that AOD9604 did show a reduction of body fat in the mid abdominal area in both obese, over-weight, and average built people.Benefits Increased muscle mass Increased strength Decreased fat mass

HGH fragment 176-191


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