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SR9011 VS SR9009: The Clash of Siblings


When looking at SR9011 VS SR9009, we can find many similarities. Both are Rev-ErbA agonists that share many of the same effects they have on the human body.

Both decrease anxiety, inflammation, recovery times and increase wakefulness, the amount of muscle you can build and so on. There is one minor difference and that is that SR9011 is a tad bit more effective at doing all of the above. It owes that trait to higher activation and mimicking of the Rev-ErbA proteins.

Fit 2.0

Never before has there been a combination so in tune with biological chemistry that delivers faster harder more permanent results. 


The benefits one gets to experience are all connected to the aforementioned proteins in the body.

FIT 2.0 Rev-erbα and Rev-erbβ (sr9009 & SR9011) coordinately protect the circadian clock and normal metabolic function as PPARδ agonist

  • Lose Weight and Fat: It has been proven that SR9011 boosts our metabolism which in return leads us to expend more calories during the day. If you just keep your diet in check, you will lose all of your excess fat and weight in no time!
  • Increases Endurance: Mice that were subjected to Rev-ErbA agonists 9009 showed marked improvements in their endurance, as the following study goes to show. We also have anecdotal evidence from actual bodybuilders to back this up
  • Increases Speed of Recovery: It’s not a secret that SR9011 lowers your recovery rates and makes you ready to go to the gym that much sooner. You won’t feel as sore as before and you will feel a lot more motivated to head to the gym.
  • It Helps Decrease Inflammation: As if lowering your recovery times wasn’t enough, SR9011 also affects the production of inflammatory cells in a negative way, preventing them from causing inflammation in your body.
  • Acts as an Anxiolytic Studies have shown that SR9011 successfully prevents anxiety from ruining our lives. It smashes anxiety and causes a sense of relief and well-being in the user, similar to a benzodiapene. There is one major difference: SR9011 doesn’t cause addiction making it miles better than any Xanax pill out there.
  • Increases Focus: Many users report their focus increasing while on SR9011. They claim that they could stay concentrated on a problem for a much longer time and that they didn’t feel boredom creep in even if it was a dull task to begin with.
  • Lowers LDL Cholesterol Levels: Those patients who took SR9011 in a clinical study saw their LDL cholesterol level fall down to normal levels without any changes in diet or exercise routines. This is good news for those that have problems with their blood cholesterol.
  • Increases Wakefulness: All the studies so far indicate that SR9011/9009 has a positive effect on our overall energy levels, stamina, and vitality. This lasts throughout the day and is not limited to the gym.


Now that we’ve seen all the effects of the compound, let’s continue this SR9011/sr9009 reiview into well being and ant-anging.


The circadian clock imposes daily rhythms in cell proliferation, metabolism, inflammation and DNA damage response1,2. Perturbations of these processes are hallmarks of cancer3 and chronic circadian rhythm disruption predisposes individuals to tumour development1,4.

This raises the hypothesis that pharmacological modulation of the circadian machinery may be an effective therapeutic strategy for combating cancer.

REV-ERBs, the nuclear hormone receptors REV-ERBα (also known as NR1D1) and REV-ERBβ (also known as NR1D2), are essential components of the circadian clock5,6.

Here we show that two agonists of REV-ERBs—SR9009 and SR9011—are specifically lethal to cancer cells and oncogene-induced senescent cells, including melanocytic naevi, and have no effect on the viability of normal cells or tissues.

The anticancer activity of SR9009 and SR9011 affects a number of oncogenic drivers (such as HRAS, BRAF, PIK3CA and others) and persists in the absence of p53 and under hypoxic conditions.

The regulation of autophagy and de novo lipogenesis by SR9009 and SR9011 has a critical role in evoking an apoptotic response in malignant cells.

Notably, the selective anticancer properties of these REV-ERB agonists impair glioblastoma growth in vivo and improve survival without causing overt toxicity in mice.

These results indicate that pharmacological modulation of circadian regulators is an effective antitumour strategy, identifying a class of anticancer agents with a wide therapeutic window.

We propose that REV-ERB agonists are inhibitors of autophagy and de novo lipogenesis, with selective activity towards malignant and benign neoplasms.

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